Create new VPS.
- pid - product id
- billingcycle - monthly, quarterly, semiannually
- hostname - The hostname of the server.
- ns1prefix - the prefix to be used for the NS1 nameserver
- ns2prefix - the prefix to be used for the NS2 nameserver
- rootpw - The root password for the server
Optional Atributes
- extraip - how many extra ip need for VPS
- promocode - pass coupon code to apply to the order
Example Command
$postfields = array(); $postfields["responsetype"] = "json"; $postfields["action"] = "vserver-create"; $postfields["pid"] = "1"; $postfields["hostname"] = "tesztvps.com"; $postfields["billingcycle"] = "monthly"; $postfields["ns1prefix"] = "ns1"; $postfields["ns2prefix"] = "ns2"; $postfields['extraip'] = "2"; $postfields["rootpw"] = "xasdf"; $result = mikrovps_SendCommand( $postfields );
Successful Response
status - success orderid = xxx # Order ID invoiceid = xxx # Invoice ID productids = ID of the created VPS
Error Response
result=error message=ERROR MESSAGE